
I wonder if you can elaborate on the idea in My Ishmael of the similarities between cult and tribal mentality. I agree that people who join cults are looking for a sort of tribal fulfillment for which we all may be looking. I can also see your reasoning in asserting that the word ‘cult’ has bad connotations in our culture and that we are predisposed to believe that cult leaders are crazy. However, I believe there is a psychological control element to cult behavior that I don’t imagine is present in tribal behavior. I know that often people involved in a cult want to leave and can’t which also doesn’t translate to the dynamic within a tribe, in my opinion. Also, I don’t think the self-destructive aspect of cults translates to tribal thinking. I can’t imagine a tribe destroying itself because of perceived threats from other tribes. I guess what I’m saying is that I think cults are bad. I can see that the desire to join one is a symptom of our non-tribal society and I think this is a valid point. The rest of the argument in My Ishmael is a bit of a stretch for me.

When I asked my very religious sister about why the Bible says “and god created man in their own image” at first she was surprised that it said “their” and then offered that “they” were the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. When I asked her how the Son and Holy Ghost could have been involved before they had even appeared she said that they were in God’s plan from the start. So I asked her why did God bother letting everything get so screwed up if he knew he was going to send Jesus to fix it later. Wasn’t he just toying with us? She said that God wanted to let us choose our own way. How would you respond?